Luigi Francesco Canepa

Luigi Francesco Canepa

About The Artist

LUIGI FRANCESCO CANEPA Di aggiornament Born in Genoa on November 1st 1941, he lives in Albissola Marina (Savona), his studio being in Valleggia di Quiliano (SV). He attended courses of sculpture and engraving techniques at the “Ligustica Fine Arts Academy” in Genoa. 2005 – Baltimore – Maryland – 2003World Trade Center – Top of the worl Exhibition “Arteast/s “ Four Italians artists 2006 –– Exhibition Mind Puddles Gallery - Houston – Texas 2007 – “1° painting and Sculpture Show” Contemporary Art – Albissola Marina 2007 - Personal Exhibition at the exhibition room of the Ovada’s Library – Ovada (AL) Personal Exhibition at “Boragno Gallery” – Busto Arsizio (VA) “Emotions” A painter and a sculptor exhibition at Scola Gallery – Albenga (Sv) 2008 – Ceramics in Celle” Ceramics, the Artist for a country Art Gallery, Celle Ligure Personal exhibit at the Ducal Palace – Liguria room Open Space – Genoa Participation, on invitation, to “Priamar d’Autore” – Priamar fortress – Savona 2008 – Personal exhibition at the “Galleria d’arte del Cavallo” , Valleggia di Quiliano – SV. 2009 – Three Italian artists exhibition at “Sala del cenacolo” in the Chamber of Deputies (Rome) 2009 - Marble monument to “Maestri del Lavoro” by building of Chamber of Commerce in Savona 2009 – Ten marble sculptures at “Italian Style 2009” – George Brown Convention Center - Houston – USA 2009 – International Art Symposium in Rodi Garganico (FG) – Italy 2010 – Exibition “ Italian Style 2010” George Brown Convention Center – Houston –USA 2011 – Selected for the 19° edition of the International exhibitionof contemporary art “Hunterkunst” in Doentinchem – Netherlands. 2011 – Invited to the 16à editino the “Biennal exhibition of carved stone in “Castel S.Niccolò (Arezzo) Italy. Execution of ten marble works. 2011 _ Invited to the National stone sculpture symposium in Enna – Italy, devoted tothe 150à anniversari of the unity of Italy. Ezecution of a sculpture collocated in the manicipality of Cerami (Enna) 2013 – Personal exibition in the “artists circle of Albissola Marina” (Savona) Italy. 2013 – “Incontri” Meetings : three artists at the Priamar fortress in Savona, palazzo della Sibilla. 2013 – Personal exibition “Air sculptures” in Teatro di Villa Duchessa di Galliera, Genova-Voltri –Italy. 2014 – Invited to the International sculpture simposyum in Turchey, Ukksaccademi Datca.