Michel Thévenot dit PICH

Michel Thévenot dit PICH

About The Artist

Better late than never to be able to devote his time to his passion because painting is one for him. From the bases acquired in the various pictorial techniques which he learned while he was a student at the Association of Former Students of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Bourges, he had to wait until retirement age to so be it. But it was only after having devoted three years to photography that in 2007 he began to paint diligently. Over the past fifteen years, Pich has produced many marine canvases which he has exhibited in practically all the villages of his Ile de Ré, but also in La Rochelle, Niort, Poitiers, Paris, Berlin, New- York, Los Angeles and on the NET in 92 countries around the world. His pictorial works allowed him to be recognized by his peers and to obtain the status of professional painter, on July 1, 2015. On December 17, 2017, he joined the large family of 772 listed professional painters, i-CAC certified. The same year, he received the Grand Prix du Palmarès National des Styles in Hyères-les-Palmiers then, in 2019, he was rewarded with a Grand International Trophy in Monte-Carlo in the Principality of MONACO. Michel Thévenot Dit PiCH holds the Professional Certificate of Pictorial Art. His journey from figurative to abstract "- Painter of seascapes, at first, Michel Thévenot dit PiCH worked on the aesthetics of the surface of the seas, boats, sailboats or ships of all types, which have practically no more secrets for him. It was logical that ome day, the temptation to paint "under the surface of the sea", manifests itself as a need for pictorial exploration, as much as intellectual. In fact, it is the questioning around the polymorphism of the constituent elements of the environment underwater, the visions he had of it, which led him to abstract art. An abstraction that came naturally to him. He felt the need for a new language for this new universe. His expertise as a painter did the rest. The use of abstraction enabled him to master a new aesthetic, which could be called the aesthetic of the seabed. He understood that the power of sensations, of underwater visions is infinite, whether it is around islands, different continents, or according to the depths, according to the submerged sites and reefs, everything changes, everything rearranges, redefines itself: corals, plants, colors, shapes. For the painter PiCH, the maritime subaquatic, in its continual movement of seas and currents, waves and storms, depending on the cold or warm seas, will always generate a proliferation of images, of impressions which will all be objectively different from each other. others. The artist PiCH seized on abstraction, as a tool of pictorial language and from then on, his painting became the bearer of an authenticity of feelings and astonishing expressions. The painter PiCH has now mastered a style of abstract underwater landscape painting." During these last four years, PiCH has "rubbed" the techniques "acrylic pouring" and "fluid painting". The mastery he acquired enabled him to create numerous works labeled Pich's magic abstract art, followed by their creation order number. His abstract, lyrical, modern, original and unique paintings are the fruit of the tendency to direct expression, freedom of language granted to the creative artist. They do not represent subjects or objects from the natural or real world, but simply allusive shapes and colors for themselves. Spontaneous projections of the inner world of the artist, his works address your senses, your heart, so that you immerse yourself in the painter's universe. Protected by two layers of glassifying varnish, the abstract canvases of PiCH shine with all their fire, because the rays of light penetrating the substance, awaken in its depth ranges of colored vibrations. And it is then to your gaze that they give voice!