About The Artist

Kim Walker is an internationally recognized artist, mother of four, grandmother of six, and loving wife. Originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan, Kim has spent her adult life in Arizona helping with her husband's business and volunteering at her children's schools. Her children grew up to be teachers, an entrepreneur, and a nurse. Kim's son Robby began attending community college at age 9. While transporting him to and from college, Kim decided to attend classes herself. She became the first person in her family to receive a degree - a B.F.A. in painting - and had the unique experience of taking some classes with her son. Since then, Kim has developed a unique style of painting that incorporates pressed flowers and natural elements. Kim's art, a reflection of the beauty and inspiration of nature, is represented in galleries and juried and invitational exhibits nationwide and is included in private, corporate, and municipal collections all over the world. For extensive resume and other information please visit: www.kimwalkerart.com www.facebook.com/kimwalkerart www.instagram.com/kimwalkerart