pascal bejeannin

pascal bejeannin

About The Artist

This French artist has a rich and unusual life. At the age of 20, he joins the French army as a “casque bleu” for the United Nation in Lebanon. Being a witness and sometimes an actor in countries at war led him to be more aware of what is essential in life, that’s why as soon as he came back to France, he devoted himsef to find basic essentials which in his artistic process demands that nothing else but the work exists. For Pascal Bejeannin, survival in hostile territories and his art are closely linked. Each of his works finds its origin in what P.Bejeannin has lived out in the field whether with MSF(doctor whitout border) in the Amazonian forest or as an educator in Lapland where he has taken young delinquents to teach them how to go beyond their own limits in dangerous terrtories. “Finding out the basic essentials is realing the uselessness of what you used to miss”