Friedhard Meyer

Friedhard Meyer

About The Artist

Curriculum Vitae 1940 - born in Nueremberg / Germany 1959 - Graduated High School 1960-1965 - Study at Technical University Munich 1967 - Begin of Painting Activities 1971-1973 - Artistic Education by Altschäffel in Schweinfurt since 1974 - Art Information Trips to France, Spain, Italy, USA, Israel, China, India 2002 - Design of the Citizen Medal for the Municipality of the Town of Bad Neustadt since 2006 - member of the European artist group - "Colectivo Cillero" since 1966 - living in Bad Neustadt / Saale , Germany Personal Exhibitions Augsburg , Bad Neustadt , Bamberg , Berlin , Erlangen , Essen , Karlsruhe , Luxembourg , Munich , Nueremberg , Regensburg , Stuttgart , Wuerzburg Membership -- „Kunstverein“ Bad Neustadt -- European artist group „Colectivo Cillero“ Public Purchasing -- „Bezirksamt“ Berlin / Neukölln -- Siemens AG Bad Neustadt -- „Kulturkreis“ Siemens Berlin -- „Bayerische Beamten Versicherungen“ Munich Literature 1986-- „Schöpfungslandschaften“, Eulen Verlag , Friburg 1988-- „Faszination des Aquarells“ , arte-factum-Verlag , Nueremberg 2005-- „Indirekte Malerei“ , Palette Verlagsgesellschaft mbH , Koblenz International Participations 2006 -- 15. Europ`ART Geneve , Switzerland -- Art Fair Salzburg, Austria 2007 -- Gallery Thuillier , Paris , France -- Art Fair Stockholm, Sveden -- Art Innsbruck, Austria -- ARTEXPO New York, USA 2008 -- Art Fair Shanghai, China 2010 -- LDX-Gallery, Beijing, China -- Opera Gallery, Budapest, Ungary 2007-2011-- Group exhibitions with “Colectivo Cillero” in: Madrid, Baignes, Albacete, 2011-- Art Taipei, Taiwan -- LDX-Gallery, Beijing, China 2012 -- Art Palm Beach, Florida -- Art Taipei, Taiwan 2013 -- Art Beijing, China -- Florence Design Week Exhibition, Florence, Italy -- Biennale of Chianciano, Italy 2014 -- Art Innsbruck, Austria -- Exhibition Ancient Palaces, Varenna, Italy with Camaver Kunsthaus -- Gallery Steiner, Vienna, Austria 2015 -- Art Innsbruck, Austria -- Bank Schilling, Bad Neustadt -- Art Space Gallery, New York Awards 2005 -- First Price of the Palm Art Award, Art-Domain- Gallery Leipzig, Germany 2010 -- Diploma of Excellence, Art Now, Artoteque, London 2013 -- Special Recognition, 4. Art Contest, Artavita