Rigulio Graak

Rigulio Graak

About The Artist

Me - www.LoveGraak.com I am a Free Spirited Baltian artist and my soul has too many stories to tell to fill the pages of my numerous notebooks that disappear in my numerous canvas bags. I love canvas bags, and every autumn I cry over the rainy season. I love autumns. I love autumn colours. I love rain. I love walking in the rain and getting soaked. I love walking in the forest or at fields whether it rains or shines. I am a nature child by heart and every midsummer the little pagan in me wakes up to make Midnight Magic. I am an Artist, and I giggle every day. I am as well a Natural Healing Therapist, I like hanging around with Arch Angels and Spirit Guides, and we have pretty cool time viewing the ordinary lives of humans. I find Darwinism and the Monetary Idealism hilarious amusement and the politics the Best Reality Show available. On the note: I don’t have TV, so I don’t watch reality shows, so I don’t do politics. I avoid News Papers as well, as usually someone’s murdered at the first page, and that makes life a little less amusing. I find Journalists interesting though, and love to hang around with people who know how to write prose. I don’t read novels. Words make me sleepy, and my minds gets too easily distracted. I love children’s books though. I always buy them discounted from Charity shops, hence I have hundreds of them. I have seen more “Merry Christmas from Grandma” and “To My Little Peter, love mum” than many individuals see at their lifetime. I find the words nostalgic and I promise to the book I will never give it away. Hence my mother has hundred’s of children’s books stored in her numerous bookshelves. She doesn’t give them away either. I love Earth, Nature and Recycling. I buy all my clothes at Charity Shops and I avoid trends. I love Haute Couture and I have a tremendous respect to individual designers who create fantastic costumes. I love to dress up, usually alone at home, yet I mostly work naked. I always paint on the floor, often sitting cross legged or in strange positions. I don’t own chairs and my quests sit on the floor on colourful shiny pillows when we have candle light meals and munch on vegetarian food. I am a Wannabe-Vegan with a big problem with cheese. Cheese for me is a great love and a great curse. The stinkier and more gross, the better! I eat cheese with cheese and I never mix it with good old Rioja, as I don’t drink alcohol. Sometimes I wonder why, and sometimes I say “maybe one day” then I forget the whole thing. I like to take good care of my mind and body, sometimes they both demand chocolate cake. That’s again where my Wannabe-Vegan diet goes wrong, but I am really good at telling my mind that this specific cow lived a really happy life in a farmyard with endless green fields, and the cake was baked with no E’s in it. Justified? I love animals. I love everything living and breathing. Yet I love rocks as well. I study to be a Crystal Healer. I love crystals. Especially Amethysts and a bunch of others. All my little friends live at my small Crystal Altar and they have the tiniest cutest little giggling voices and I love having them around. I love herbs and healing plants and my heart is in Herbalism and collecting raw goods from the nature. I make “magical poisons” for healing purposes and I have a heart of a Pagan. I adore pagan rituals and I adore Baltian Forests. My dream was always to live at Highlands of Scotland and I feel my soul rests in the silence. I like romantic comedies, as my love life is always a mess. I am too demanding and picky and never settle for less than perfect. I like highly intelligent sensitive individuals who have a great sense of humour and who understand that I dedicate most of my communication to sarcasm. I speak a lot. When I work, I like to watch Woody Allen’s films or listen Julia Westlin. Woody Allen’s scene is practically my social life and I love hanging around Manhattan. I think me and Woody would get along well. Julia Westlin has the magical voice of an angel and her songs unplug my creativity. Coco Rosie does the same. I paint my Galaxy series with Julia and make the Androids with Coco Rosie. When I am not working I love complete silence.