by Ingrid Knaus

Artwork Description

Via del Porcellana

0.0 x 0.0

from the other side of the square one can reach Via del Porcellana (oil on canvas, 50x50cm). I remember the narrow alley quite well because I was looking for a certain house number. I couldn´t find number 32 at first, but when I went through the alley for a second time, I noticed the small handwritten house number. Even the sign of the gallery was hand written with tiny letters. The event however was a great contrast to the simple surrounding. The members of the “Accademia il Marzocco” gave lectures in celebration of the Galileo Galilei´s 450th birthday, with cross references to the city of Florence and unusual transitions to contemporary art. Another group of those present were the art critics. The oldest of them was a lady who turned 90 the next day. She arrived with her Motorino and took off the helmet when we made a picture. The third group of people were artists from different countries, who received their awards. oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm,

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Expressionism