Rebeca Trevino

Rebeca Trevino

About The Artist

Rebeca Treviño has spent the better part of her life creating stories in a 3-D form from found objects. As story teller, she unsuspectingly lures the viewer into her work, first with an immediate response to the visual impact of color and composition, and then with a blindsided hook that makes it impossible to walk away. At times, her "unwritten stories” run as deep as the viewer dares to go, while others reveal with the simplicity of a nursery rhyme. Rebeca’s art materials are salvaged from long forgotten relics that have somehow ended up in a junk drawer, a flea market or garage sale, where she will breathe new life into these abandoned relics in a way that can be unexpectedly provocative, politically suggestive, and unquestionably deliberate. “What’s Inside”, Rebeca’s body of work, presents introspective, but is keenly charged with the wit and wisdom of a perspective on everything from world wars to childhood dreams to religious ideology. Each of her constructions provide the viewer a glimpse to see things beneath the surface. A lifelong collector, Rebeca’s studio is a treasure-trove of children’s toys, vintage tools and other unusual objects. Her palette is composed not of paints but of parts and scraps scavenged from constant trips to flea markets, estate and garage sales. Her method of working is best characterized by the various roles she has chosen to play, to include that of collector, editor, builder, juxtaposer. Rebeca's work has been exhibited in galleries from California to New York and, and can be found in private collections across the country and abroad. She makes her home in Northern California. You can see more of Rebeca's work at: