Nicole Adolph

Nicole Adolph

About The Artist

Sometimes I need lots of bright, colorful colors – I don’t know exactly what will be the result when i start working on a painting. Sometimes I work with acrylic paints, spray, chalk, pens, putty and whatever else comes in my way… Other times I need it gently and more intensively and with a plan – here I sometimes work on one painting for several weeks to get the desired depth. I mostly do this in combination with oil paints. Brushes, hands and painting knives are often used. After my rounds of painting, I always look like a painting by. My own region is slowly becoming too narrow and small for me and I want my art to go out into the big wide world! In 2020 I started painting intensively and did most of it myself as an autodidact. Supported by many great workshops with great artists like Waldemar Erz, Melanie Geis and Ilona Griss-Schwärzler. Exchanging ideas with others in networks also inspires and motivates me.