Susanna Patras

Susanna Patras

About The Artist

Susanna Patras' photographic style is inspired by minimalism and American modernism but filtered through poetry and story telling. With a background in literature and multimedia design, Susanna Patras' photographs can relate to poetry, in particular, haiku, because they can operate with the same distillation of vocabulary. 

In her artwork, Susanna Patras explores the interplay between light and shadows, which can hide or reveal, inspired by the energy of the four elements, earth, water, wind and fire resulting sometimes in vivid colors, other times in subdued monochromatic tones. Whether she focuses on the poetry and simplicity of the sand dunes, the abstraction of a constructed space, or the beauty and mood of a natural scene that transports the viewer to a distant land, mysterious and exciting, Susanna Patras's images reveal a world of quiet introspection and balance. She believes that nature must be protected to allow ourselves to experience not only its beauty, but also its capacity for healing and revitalization.