by William Waggoner

Artwork Description

It Might Just Be Fantastic

30.0 x 30.0 inches

Ultimately, I can’t say how big a difference my foray into self-improvement has had. I know I’ve made strides in having less angry reactions to situations that would have previously chafed me, but my temper can still rise like magma inside me. My ability to accept things out of my control is also still a challenge, although I periodically attempt radical acceptance (the idea that to accept something is not the same as being in agreement with it, merely that you acknowledge it exists without judgment). I feel that I now put others before myself a bit more than I have in the past, but that doesn’t mean I’ve become more compassionate, and I know that I will do this at times for attention and reciprocation instead of from unadulterated selflessness. But I also don’t see me reverting to the person I once was: self-centered, callous, immutable. And maybe that’s the most remarkable thing, that this exploration has not given me the external rewards I was expecting, but has helped me get better at the intangible craft of letting go of negative behaviors. Do they still exist? Oh hell yes, but their influence is currently on the wane.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Pop Art