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by Enzo Crispino

Artwork Description

the veil of the soul

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The veil of the soul Description of the work Detail of the dress of a doll on display at the Museum of Dolls in Angera on Lake Maggiore. I was on a visit to the Doll Museum; among a myriad of dolls on display, one in particular caught my attention. This doll, called "La bambolaia", he wore a skirt in jute fabric, from which many little dolls' faces appeared. At that moment I thought about the photo I wanted to do, wanting to represent the last moments of our existence, the spirit imprisoned by the sense of sin, the mind that goes in search of memories   and a return to the infantile state. In this last act, the veil rises   and leaves the spirit free from the sense of sin ....

Artwork Details

Medium: Photography

Genre: Landscape