by Stephenie Hudek

Artwork Description

8th-13th century Ganesha made of Stone

0.0 x 0.0

Intended gift from David T. Owsley to the Dallas Museum of Art in 1995 This picture was take on January 18, 2017 "Ganesha is the child of Shiva, one of the three primary Hindu deities, and his wife Parvati, goddess of love, fertility, and devotion. When he was young, Ganesha kept his father from seeing his mother Parvati in her bath. As a result, Shiva cut off his son's head. Seeing Parvati in despair over their son's death. Shiva agreed to restore the boy with the head of the first person he saw--in this case an elephant, hence Ganesha's elephant head (Dallas Museum of Art)."

Artwork Details

