by Suliaeva Margarita

Artwork Description


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"Jumanji" lithographic series is dedicated to the images of the African continent. I have always been attracted by the wild, animal energy emanating from society. This is a kind of opposition to progress that is inevitably crushing us. We are dying under the onslaught of requirements, protocols, and conformances here and there. The steel shackles of modernity are getting heavy, and our ancient "I" yearns for freedom. Animals - the expression of our natural needs not only for food and offspring, but also rightfully enjoy the fleeting life, the moment. The development of technology and progress dictates new speeds to us, makes us run faster than the wind. Not so long ago, i decided to move away from all this fuss in an area that is absolutely undeveloped, which technological progress has not caught on: in the area of ​​Africa! There i met unhurried people enjoying not material goods, but blue skies, and the same unhurried animals: cows endlessly driving away flies with their tails, dogs peacefully snoring in the shade, elephants, etc. Looking at them, you should think about how much you still need to learn. Series consists of 6 graphic sheets. Arranged in the center, built on a silhouette, distinguished by the laconicism of the pictorial means of expressiveness (roughness of the stroke, bright coloring) - these images resemble two cultural phenomena combined into a single one: on the one hand, ancient petroglyphs, on the other, the works of French modernists.

Artwork Details

Medium: Printmaking

Genre: Naive