George Anastos

George Anastos

About The Artist

George Anastos I started working in the Graphic Design field in the late seventies, right out of Art School. In high school my Art teacher told me I was going right to art school when I graduated. I picked a three year Art school and jumped right in. Working my way up the ranks as an Art director in the late Eighties, gave me strengths in marketing and promotions. After fifteen years, I found myself teaching middle schoolers how to promote community festivals, through creating large puppets, signs and art installations. This new life took me on a great ride. This is when I started to take my own art my seriously. Teaching made me a stronger painter. I started to show and sell my work in 1995 at local Open Studios. Once I made that first sale, I was hooked. I went through many styles to find which one I could excel in. Acrylic paint and Gouache were the mediums I love using to paint. I went through different stages. I had a large collection of fun and whimsical cat paintings and many abstract paintings that were bright in color. In 2004 I became a full time Art teacher in a private school in Boston. I left my teaching position after 7 years and found myself giving it a go as a full time artist. I got right to work. I taught art at after school programs and painted in the mornings and evenings. I volunteered for a local Main Street organization, helping to promote the neighborhood. I ran parades, set up and collected items for auctions and helped decorate the neighborhood with murals and seasonal decorations. Life was good. I sold my art at the local farmers market and entered art shows. I found myself chasing paycheck after paycheck. Life was getting stressful. I got a call from a friend who recommended I go run an after school program in Roxbury. I figured, it would allow me to focus on one job. Well, it did not take long before I became the full time art educator at the school. I am going on year four as the art educator, My husband an I moved out of the City to Quincy and got married. Life is very good and I continue to strive for the happy life. One full of positive energy, and kindness. My latest paintings are from my heart. They are colorful and flow. I am excited to where this new series takes me.