Perpetual Traveller

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 17, 2025

Soft, heavy pillows of protection lurking across the bay. Not low enough to be termed fog, just enough colour to give the delusion of pretty floatiness, but the depth and stoical speed indicate purposeful stealth. Collecting extra luggage and bulk as they continue their trek to wherever their final destination is. Maybe they don't have one, maybe they are the perpetual traveller, the true definition of minimal living, just gathering and despatching what is and what isn't necessary along the way.

Lacy Veil

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 15, 2025

The pale yellow of the afternoon sun bashfully makes its way across the bay, stoically emerging as if not sure if it should do so. Darker clouds sensitively form a lacy veil to provide a space for the winter hues to protect their blushes. This benefits them both as the sky becomes awash with yellows and indigos, enriching their journeys and the vision of anyone caring to gaze upwards.

Bubbling Beauties

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 12, 2025

Doughy mounds billow and merge as they’re kneaded into fully-fledged bubbling beauties. The constant motion allows for a momentary glimpse of the setting sun behind the pomp and splendour, simply sparkling as it continues its journey to another horizon.

Woolly-Layered Masses

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 10, 2025

Have you ever seen sheep fleeces after they've been sheared? Flopped on the floor in supposed stacks but actually still remembering the wandering sheep they've just coated and working their way away from the other in an evolving mass of wool. Never completely losing sight of the other but retaining their own sense of physicality. The clouds today reminded me of these, clumping and easing across the sky in woolly-layered masses - with the occasional break in continuum so that the naked eye can tell them apart.

Breezy Blues

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 06, 2025

Precipitatious showers alternate with sunshine as storm gales rattle from mountain to mountain over the bay. Breezy blues take their cue to burst through the swirls when they part and stop awhile to catch their breath.

Parting Mist

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 04, 2025

The thick mist parted for a short while as I was setting up my pastels and drawing board - long enough to see a smidgeon of sky. Sometimes I think fate looks after me :)

Frothy Shadows

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 02, 2025

Strong shadows and moods as the clouds darken and separate, creating a catalyst of disjointed sections across the sky. They whirl and jostle as the winds strengthen, pure density forecasting their destiny. The MacLeod's Tables stood their ground but became Maypole posts as the shapes tangled around them, hiding the tops like frothy laced linen.

Feathery Fronds

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 01, 2025

The sunrise sent pale pink smatterings across the grey wisps of cloud high in the sky. Considering the snow showers that have been emptying themselves over the island since then, the skies have been remarkably dramatic in between them. The northerly wind tends to stir things up, ruffle the feathers of the sea gulls and generally make the sheep's wool look beautifully soft (not sure the sheep think that, I suspect they'd quite like a hotel of a warm hay-filled-barn-like nature). It also appears to have had that effect on the clouds today.

Sweet Confetti

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 22, 2024

Colourful heads creating swirls and trails as they come into their full bloom of the season. The wind undulates amongst the petals causing the loose-limbed to create sweet confetti over the garden bouquet. Joining, colliding and playing. A true scene of co-hueing.

Small Moments of Magic

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 21, 2024

Peeking and twitching behind foliage curtains, you can see the occasional wondrous dazzle and sparkle as sunbeams sweep across the flower patch. These hidden gems are shyly waiting for their true love to seek them out and whisk them into a small moment of magic where they are fully seen and appreciated for who they really are.

Blue Light

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 20, 2024

This lady is imbued with brisk cheeriness as she smiles her sunny yet blue light out to touch the others in the garden. Everyone knows that she has a heart of pure generosity as her bossy façade occasionally drops to comfort a friend, but they mostly sway along with the flow of things and play out their community roles.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 19, 2024

Natural flowery contours sit together as if they're perched on a school step in the playground sharing dunking sherbets and giggling.

True Depths

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 17, 2024

Clouds deepen overhead, casting shadowy swathes over these blooming beauties. For once their range of hues is seen and true depths made clear. It is a day of clarity, honesty and sincerity.

Accidental Opportunity

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 16, 2024

Leaves and stems collide as the wind blows and light bestows angelic-seeming petals with beams. Light and shade co-exist but some seem to hog the attention a little, even if the opportunity is accidental.

Rhythm & Blooms

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 07, 2024

Vast blooms rise and fall as breezes lift them into natures waltz of summertime magic. Petal boas trail and swirl as if conducting, but really the rhythms are those of their owners.

Holiday Feel

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 05, 2024

Sunny glows and cool frothy hues. The perfect combination for that holiday feel. All equally expressing depth and surface joy in their unique way. Who says that difference doesn't get along?

Sumptuous Swirls

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 04, 2024

Snuggled in those leafy beds, all cosy and actually quite fancying a spot of a snooze. The wake-up call around commences with dawn though and it's time to peek out, slowly extend all petals and then start her daily dance of such sumptuous swirls.

Simple Enthusiasm

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 03, 2024

Flourishing her froth, all of her bounding about as her enthusiasm for simply being alive comes through. It's this simplicity that we humans could learn so very much from.

Lightest Light

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

DECEMBER 02, 2024

Reaching up on tiptoes. Can she reach the brightest lightest light? She’s nearly there, just one more lurch of her being. (mixed media painting on canvas, 3"x2")

Frothy Lacy Layers

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 30, 2024

Frothy lacy layers bounce in the breeze, petals holding on and exuding their most wonderful shades, each changing as they're blown around in the sunlight. The darker leaves sit in their supporting role. They know their limelight will come as night falls and the shadows are all theirs.

Room For Hues

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 29, 2024

So many textures and yet there is room for all those hues. It's as if everyone has their own stage on which to perform regardless of anything or anyone around them, each giving the other their space and time. (original mixed media painting on canvas, 3"x2")


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 28, 2024

There may be streaks of foliage attempting to conceal this beauty but she shines through regardless. Waking up in full energy, her less-than-bashful personality overcomes any obstacle today. 

Peeking Pinks

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 20, 2024

Floral swathes stretch as far as the eye can see, colours blurring as the summer haze rises. That is, apart from some distinct pinks that peek through and retain their definition.

Dancing The Night Away

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 12, 2024

Lusciously lavish in their swirling plumage, these ladies are headed out on the town, off to dance the night away. Will they gain enough beauty sleep before sunrise? They tell me that they’ll sunbathe and snooze to catch up - and that no-one will ever notice. Would you notice?

Beauty Sleep

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 09, 2024

Shadows and heavy blooms combine and dupe the eye as they’re tempted falling sun encourages misleading shapes and assurances. Colours shine but become a little muted as flower heads close and nod, beauty sleep beckoning.

Big Personalities

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 05, 2024

Leaves gather and act as intermediaries to intercept buffeting blooms as they extend their petals to absorb the sunlight. They generally get along, but sometimes the head heights of the season mean there’s just not enough room so so many big personalities!

Greeting The Day

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 03, 2024

Purple and violet buds unfurl as they’re cajoled and tempted by their already-opened neighbours. They open and stretch to greet the day. It’s going to be a good one, they decide.

Communal Sway of the Day

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 31, 2024

Assertive winds cast the blooms over in over direction as if they’re equipped with combs. Resplendent and determined, these blooms hold on to their petals tightly regardless of the communal sway of the day.

Gloriously Glorious

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 30, 2024

Lushly ornamental in their bold stances, these blooms are definitely not afraid to show their own beauty. Boas and handbags slung around with delightful aplomb, they’re at once gracious and gloriously glorious.

Dancing Friends

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 28, 2024

Blue swirls sashay and parade across their neighbouring flowery friends. Are they skipping or dancing? I like to think it’s a little of both.

Warm Toes

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 26, 2024

Sun-kissed petal tips bask in the summery warmth shining down between clouds. Soft breezes lift ruffle the leaves to ensure that the heat reaches their toes.

Sweeping Blossoms

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JULY 11, 2024

Sweeping blossoms hide all the secret treasures of this private idyll as those stone steps invite you to satisfy your curiosity. Dare you peek into what lies beyond the darkness amongst those protective boughs?


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 13, 2023

Dappled rays of light reach through the leaves and petals, contrasts highlighted as one happy flower gets to shine her brightest.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 09, 2023

Twirling and prancing, moving to a beat all of their own. Simply enjoying the utter freedom of the natural elements in which they’ve found themselves.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

NOVEMBER 06, 2023

Shying peeking out from their safe haven of purple protectiveness, aware of their brightness but not of their true beauty. Dare they fully announce themselves to the day? Only time will tell.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 26, 2023

Deep pinks and purples swish and sway with soft breezes ruffling petals, showing off layers to their most magnificent richness.

Mischievously Gossiping

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 23, 2023

Seemingly simple hues stretch upwards as they unfurl from their curled drowsiness as greet the day. They’re looking forward to their daily gossip. What mischief will they have caused to since last time?

Discerning Light

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 22, 2023

Winter light trickles through dense foliage, discerning where it will lay brief warmth. Colours are scantier at this time of year, but all the more dazzling in their blooms.

Abundant Pinks

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

OCTOBER 16, 2023

Abundant pinks roam ecstatically in the knowledge that they're looking their absolute best. If they were film stars in the twenties they'd be glamorously posing on ornate staircases, sipping champagne and holding the fanciest cigarette holders.

Wildly Blooming

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

SEPTEMBER 25, 2023

Gloriously rambling and reaching, all stems overlapping, just happily making sure everyone has a space and a voice, regardless of size or longevity. How lovely to be able to live in a world of such harmonious co-existence.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

SEPTEMBER 10, 2023

Frothy lacy layers swing and swish in rhythm to the gentle breeze as if in an elegant waltz.

Delicately Bold

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

AUGUST 23, 2023

These blooms look to be seemingly bold as their upwardly mobile heads seek the best light to find their fortune. Is this a façade? Are they simply searching for a way to protect those delicate folds?

Dazzling Chatter

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

APRIL 03, 2023

Delightfully bobbing heads preen and chatter, toasting their colourful exuberance with matching multi-coloured bubbles. They know how they dazzle, and whenever they see someone else notice, their bright smiles become brightness personified.

Dazzling Pinks

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 02, 2023

Pale pink petals froth and flutter as these blooms shake themselves to reveal their true beauty. Deceased appendages discarded, they can truly dazzle their beholder with freshly coiffured-locks.

Fizzing Confetti

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 02, 2023

Frothing petals fizz over their fellow blooms like confetti, as a less than gentle breeze lifts them from their roots and scatters them with wild abandon.

Sunshine Dancing

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 01, 2023

Lushly expanding, every nook and cranny filled. It's not just the flowers that shine with verve in the sunshine, their leafy counterparts dance in the light too.

Sparkling Merriment

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 28, 2023

Pink-tinged blooms sparkle their merriment. Fizzing with sunshine-filled joy, these abundant blooms know they're looking their most marvellous today.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

Gorgeous pink hues sprinkle and scatter as the sun reaches the day's highest point. Hearts open to the elements, bees swooping for nectar, it's one of those sparkly days of effervescence.

Fluffy Pink Fronds

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 26, 2023

Fluffy pink fronds sway this way and that, tickling and teasing wherever they land - like a feather boa being swept over a bare shoulder. Always impressive, forever impractical but completely marvellous in their frivolity.

Vibrant Swathes

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 25, 2023

Vibrant swathes envelope and caress as they softly adorn surrounding foliage, brightening even the dullest of days.

Floral Bridges

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 24, 2023

Sleepy petals stretch and unfurl in the morning sun. Floral bridges are made as they reach and extend. Hellos and good mornings ruffle along these unnoticed fairy byways, making even the grumpiest early-waker turn on their smile.

Dense Plumage

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 23, 2023

Cuddling up and blooming simultaneously, just like they did when they were budding. Not so much space now for their dense plumage, but they make room just the same. Seeking the comfort of the other is where these gorgeous flowers feel happiest.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 22, 2023

Creamy yellow smiles greet the day, bobbing in the breeze and celebrating springtime.

Cheery Petals

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 21, 2023

Seeking and searching, turning this way and that. Each tilting those cheery petals to the sunlight, opening and brightening in the warm glow.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 20, 2023

Flowing wisps swirl along their merry ways, buffeting and jostling as the sunlight goes to their heads to make them collide and collapse in jollity.

Dancing Charms

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 19, 2023

Darkly weaving their magic amongst foliage that light flickers at will, hiding those flowery jewels in their midst. To catch sight of them and hold that vision true, is to be in the presence of the elusive dancing charms.

New Spaces

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 18, 2023

Detangled fronds separate in an effort to open with a winning smile. They keep almost invisibly-linked strands deep among the foliage to boost their confidence for the new spaces.

Merry Dance

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 17, 2023

Frilly edges flutter eyelashes and dance their merry way on the leafy dance floor. All inhibitions and tension are cast aside as they sway to natures rhythms rippling through their essence.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 16, 2023

Reaching, stretching, taking up as much space as those lustrous petals will allow. Leafy neighbours lurk patiently, knowing they'll have their chance soon.

Hidden Depths

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 15, 2023

Hidden depths show within those layers as leaves make way for a luscious bloom to open and bask.

Gentle Momentum

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 14, 2023

Moving with stealth, stems and petals all surging forward with gentle momentum. It looks like slow progress to the naked eye, but as anyone observing a duck or swan knows, there's a lot of nature's paddling under the cover of those beautiful blooms.

Fun Times

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 13, 2023

Chuckling together as they all aim for a shimmer in the sunlight. Their petals tangle and they gently disengage, shaking as they giddily giggle. Fun times.


Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 12, 2023

All shades of blue wisp and waft, turning this way and that, as the leaves let them have their turn in the spotlight.

Vibrant Flourish

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 11, 2023

Lush leaves and petals wield their colours with a vibrant flourish. Each one supporting each other whilst going their own way.

Petalled Enclaves

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 10, 2023

Softly coloured flower-hearts peek from their petalled enclaves. Look carefully. There's more to these than first meets the eye.

Spring Blooms

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 09, 2023

Do you like butter? I think you do. Can you forecast that with flowers other than buttercups? I'd say that these spring blooms hold strong for prediction.

Happily Bouncing

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 08, 2023

And as if by magic, all the colours ring true, happily bouncing along together.

Beaming Smiles

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 07, 2023

Sleepy petals wake and beam their smiles, allowing the sun to work it's magic, bestowing brilliance to all around.

Sunday Best

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 06, 2023

Leaves and petals flourish alike, and show off in their Sunday best. Each are unaware they accentuate the other, just concentrating on the rays gently caressing any exposed surface.

Unseen Elements

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 05, 2023

Gentle breezes lift leaves and petals. Different shades and surfaces catching the eye as light rests on unseen elements.

Sweet Faces

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 04, 2023

Reaching, arching and lifting sweet faces as the spring light glows. All colours bolder and brighter with new season energy.

Buds of Promise

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 03, 2023

Buds of promise stretch and unfurl. No-one can foresee their true potential until they decide to bask their petals under those sunny rays.

Feb '23: 30 Day Creative Gathering, Day 2: Yolk Yellows

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 02, 2023

Every bud, petal and leaf is posing in their best sun-attracting angle, colours brilliant in the light. Captivating as the white petals maybe, it's the yolk-yellow masses that steal the sunbeds around this pool.

Feb '23: 30 Day Creative Gathering, Day 1: True Beauty

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 02, 2023

Upturned faces smile winningly as they greet the sunshine they've been waiting for. Now they'll show their true beauty.

Lynne Forrester Art Exhibition

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JUNE 05, 2021

I'll be showing a whole host of paintings and drawings in the beautiful Gallery An Talla Dearg in Sleat, Isle of Skye. This includes my latest Shop Fronts mixed collection, and there'll be cards and prints available too. You'll find me at the gallery every day and I'll be delighted to see you there.

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 'Hidden Hues'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

AUGUST 14, 2018

Frothy feathers are puffed and preened as huge wings stretch themselves and resettle in the drying breeze. The flouncy layers ruffle to reveal hidden hues as tucked-in strands fill out and lose their shyness. Hidden Hues (Oil on canvas, 16"x16") Shop via:

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - Catalan TV Interview Clip

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 27, 2018

A few weeks ago I was emailed by a lady from Catalan TV who wanted to interview and film me as part of a piece she was covering about artists on Skye (in English with Catalan subtitles) - and here it is! Click on the link below to watch :) ... and the picture below is the completed one that I was filmed creating on the day.

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Thirteen - 'Handkerchiefs'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 13, 2018

Great gatherings crowd and cluster, their bulk jostling for room as the sky seems to look too small for the huge girth of it's contents - like hooped skirts of Jane Austen's novels when the main flutter of movement between the ballroom bustles featured a daintily dropped handkerchief. 'Handkerchiefs' - Oil on Canvas Board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Twelve - Blousy Rhododendrons

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 12, 2018

Colourful puffs flounce across the bay like the petals of blousy rhododendrons heads at their lightest, most colourful best. Like so many of nature's inventions, their true beauty only realised when examined in-depth against the contrasts of their neighbours. 'Blousy Rhododendrons' - Oil on Canvas Board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Eleven - 'Momentary Hope'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 11, 2018

Unforgiving conditions have resided for hours and the world seems sore from constant buffeting. The setting sun bursts through the grey heaviness in a final attempt to warm the day. It's momentary but enough to show hope - and enhance the beauty of the greyness that is so easy to overlook. 'Momentary Hope' by Lynne Forrester - Oil on Canvas Board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Ten - 'Elegant Blooms'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 10, 2018

Stillness pervades the bay and everything starts to recover after days of raging gales. Tidying themselves up, mopping their chins and ironing clothes, the air takes on a sense of peaceful purpose. Quickly recuperating, the air takes on a more nurturing quality and colours start to bloom amongst the clouds - gradually delicate and flowery in their elegant blooms. 'Elegant Blooms' - Oil on Canvas Board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Nine - 'You're Beautiful When You're Angry'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 09, 2018

Purple depths seethe hotly against the coolness of stark winter blues. A brooding furnace of passion rises as the white curls float warily on the surface, like startled dandelion heads caught in webs. Bright skies gradually allow the emboldened indigos to take their space, bowing to the increasing magnificence whilst in awe of the textured beauty and muttering 'you're beautiful when you're angry'. 'You're Beautiful When You're Angry' - Oil on Canvas Board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Eight - Tumbling Curls

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 08, 2018

Tumbling curls cascade over the bay, whipped into a frenzy of frizz by the northerly gales. Their white tips mirror the surf of huge waves below as they roll towards shore. 'Tumbling Curls' - oil on canvas board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Seven - 'Kaleidoscope'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 07, 2018

Falling and tumbling, over and over - swirling horizontally in the fierce wind. Heavy sepias and greys mesh with stark blues to create magical hues as the whole sky becomes a kaleidoscope of ever-eclipsing patterns. 'Kaleidoscope' - oil on canvas board, 20x20cm, £64

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Six - Soft Definition

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 06, 2018

Gentle breezy undulations gather a thick duvet of slightly moving mass above the bay. Clouds add to the cluster and the duvet forms itself a textured cover - dense layers colliding as they're seamlessly added to the mix. Waves stagger and alter their rhythm below with the changing tide. The wind checks its momentum too and it's enough for the duvet to rearrange her layers. She gets organised and the dark shades are now highlighted by the contrasting others and each becomes softly defined - true collaboration working in nature. 'Soft Definition' - oil on canvas board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Five - 'Active Randomness'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 05, 2018

Surly dark masses with their accompanying broody ponderings are caught in full force of a storm. Natural release is controlled by a larger force and it makes for fierce, routine-free downpours in both frequency and location. The masses may be reluctant to move and play along but are chivvied into active randomness. To be taken out of contextual habit is said to be good for the soul, yet they wonder at this wisdom as they uproot and lurch to their next formation in a reorganisation that seems never-ending. 'Active Randomness', Oil on canvas board, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Four 'Dance of Turbulence'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 04, 2018

Swirling and swooshing, the can-can flurry of weather-sullied lace canters over the bay. They spiral forth as the rising storm gathers force. Not yet in full pelt, the heavy-laced clouds are trying to find their place - forming endless petticoat layers as they prepare for an all-night dance of turbulence. 'Dance of Turbulence' - Cloudscape Oil Painting, 20x20cm

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day Three - 'Delight'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 03, 2018

Pure iced water falls from bruised skies. Bruised from being beaten by gales of constant snow and ice that both weigh and drop heavily into the sea. What's left is raw and tender - realising delight in the natural ease with which light breaks through the purple-greys. ('Delight' - cloudscape oil painting on canvas board, 20x20cm - Shop at:

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day One 'Feathery Floss'

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

FEBRUARY 01, 2018

The sky is deceptively still. Endless miles of wintry blue starkness stretches as far as the eye can conceivably see. Slight wispy white strands gently suspend, their fragility enhanced by the cold backdrop. They slowly and stealthily gravitate together. So slow one wonders if and how they moved at all, but gravitate they do. With equal stealth, these large puffs of feathery floss then journey towards the mountains, showing off their dense beauty against the theatrical azure. 'Feathery Floss' (Cloudscape in oils, 20x20cm, available)

Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog - Smoky Dusk

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

JANUARY 20, 2018

From the blog: Busy breezes whip up the clouds as it fervently spring-cleans the mountain tops. Rare as it is to see those precipitatious mounds rising rather than hurtling horizontally, rise they did in their colourful mid-afternoon hues. Those initial tentative pinks of an early sunset grow in beauty and frequency as the smoky dusk settles. 'Smoky Dusk' (cloudscape in soft pastels, 24x18cm)

May Sunsets

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MAY 13, 2016

New pastel pictures from the Isle of Skye - see for content

Summer has arrived on the Isle of Skye

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MAY 10, 2016

New landscapes uploaded to my portfolios and today's blog post is via: FREE illustrated recipe e-booklet via my homepage - :)

Today's New Drawings from Skye

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 30, 2016

For content see:

Spring Bank Holiday Pictures

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 28, 2016

New pictures from the Isle of Skye. Content via:

Lynne's Art Shed is OPEN for the Easter Weekend

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 25, 2016

OPEN TODAY: Lynne's Art Shed (Waternish, Isle of Skye) for the Easter weekend. Delighted to be part of the Skye & Lochalsh Arts & Crafts Association. I'll be opening for the summer season from 30 April too. Opening hours/days will be 11-4, Tues-Sat. Website:

Lynne's Art Shed is taking shape...

Lynne Forrester Lynne Forrester

MARCH 22, 2016

See latest blog post: