Petr Chekantsev

Petr Chekantsev

About The Artist

Petr Chekantsev was born in 1948 in Siberia. Member of the Russian Artist Union since 1983. He graduated from V.Surikov Krasnoyarsk Art College (1968) and from V.Surikov Moscow State Academy Art Institute (1977). Since 1975 the artist is a constant participant of art exhibitions: of all more than 90, from them 30 personal exhibitions: in Novosibirsk, Moscow, Germany, Austria, Italy, USA, Montenegro.There are many works of the artist in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad. Exhibitions 1990, 1993 - Personal exhibitions in halls of the Union of Artists of Novosibirsk 1996 - A personal exhibition "Sounding of silence" in halls of the House of scientists of the Academgorodok (Novosibirsk, Russia) 1997 - A personal exhibition in halls of the House of scientists SO VASHNIL (Novosibirsk, Russia) 1998 - A personal exhibition in a recreation center "Academy" of Novosibirsk 2000 - A personal art exhibition in Zigen (Germany) 2001-2003 - Periodic personal exhibitions in Institute of catalyse him(it). Boreskov (Novosibirsk, Academgorodok) 2003 - An exhibition of the Siberian artists in Palermo (Italy) 2004 - A personal exhibition in the Central House of Artists (Moscow) 2006 - A group exhibition "Slavic roots " in Business center hotel "Radisson slavic" (Moscow) 2006 - A personal exhibition. Gallery "Union - creativity" (Moscow) 2006 - The international exhibition in Nikshich (Montenegro) 2006 - The anniversary exhibition devoted to 60-anniversary of Moscow region organization of the Union of Artists of Russia. Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia. Pokrovka, 37. (Moscow) 2006 - A personal exhibition «An album of Montenegro» (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow) 2007 - A personal exhibition «An album of Montenegro» (Ostashkov, Seliger, Russia) 2007 - A group exhibition "Illusion of mirror space» (gallery "Pine", Moscow region, Mountain Nikolina)