About The Artist

I was born in northern Germany and lived most of my younger years in The Netherlands. During the early 1980’s, I lived four years in Tanzania, East Africa, before returning to The Netherlands once again for a career in interior design. In 1993, I moved to Atlanta, where I started painting in 1995 while taking a sabbatical from interior design. When I picked up the paints, my future just came to me and exploded -- my love of bringing layers upon layers of acrylic paint together with mixed other media while working on composing a canvas. My supply cabinet has expanded over the years to include other materials such as ink, sand, copper powder, marble powder, firewood ashes and textiles. Every time I work with my tools of choice - brushes, plastic cards, my fingers, scrapers, pallet knives - to bring the soft creamy acrylic paint onto the canvas, and the result is always a pleasant surprise. To satisfy my creative needs, while I paint I do not pay attention to formal rules. My abstract styles range from pure abstract - an evocation of emotion or the time of the year, to abstract flower/figure paintings which, while still abstract, are a more concrete vision of what I see in the world, what I feel in the environment and how I sense the seasons of the year. I often paint while listening to music and enjoying a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.