About The Artist

Jos Stumpe was born in the Netherlands. He studied Language and Literature and worked for more than twenty years as an independent copy editor and graphic designer, editing policy studies for the Dutch government on topics such as infrastructure for aviation, and water management. After having put his creativity into translating other people’s ideas into word and image, Stumpe felt the need to create something of his own. The medium to realize this became clay. He studied Ceramic Design at The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, and graduated in 2012. Having moved to New York in 2012, he has been exploring other materials, like metal and concrete, glass and steel, to create sculptures, and other mediums like painting and printmaking, at the National Academy School. They all express his fascination with the interaction between man and nature. In September 2015 Stumpe finished the Studio Art Intensive program at the National Academy School. Since then he works in his own studio.