About The Artist

Born in August 1974 in Myszkow near Czestochowa in Polen.After graduating from the National Scholl of fine Arts in Czestochowa( 1989-1994). 1994-2000 Study at the Academy of fine Art in Wroclaw (Breslau), which ends 2000 completed a degree in painting under the guidane of Prof. A. Dymitrowicz. In 2011 Doctor of fine Arts degree from the faculty of Painting and sculpture at the Academy of fine Arts E. Gepperta in Wroclaw ( Breslau) Im live in Munich , where have Studio, second studio have in Breslau Owner , Head and Lecturer ( the latter since 2006) in Studio Zeiler, one oft he oldest private schools of art in Munich , existing for 55 years. 2017 Florence Biennale XI, Florenz 2017 The First Berliner Art Books 2017 2016 Art San Diego Schow, World Wide Art- Artavita, San Diego 2016 Spectrum Miami, World Wide Art- Artavita, Miami 2016/17 Solo Exhibition in Gallery as First Winner, Gallery Roi Dore, Paris, France 2015 First Prize in international Competition „ Nano Art“, Paris 2014/15 Exhibition, Gallery LDX Art Odrome, Malta, Italia 2014 Solo Exhibition, Promotion Gallery , Warsaw, Polen 2014 Cologne Trade Fair Art, Gallery LDX Art Odrome, Köln, Germany 2014 International Biennale Hamburg, Gallery Kunststätte am Michel, Hamburg, Germany 2014 Warsaw Trade Art , Gallery Projekt 101, Warsaw, Polen 2014 Exhibition Gallery Projekt 101, Warsaw 2013 Group Exhibition , Gallery LDX Art odrome, (Berlin, Malta, Hong Kong) Berlin, Germany 2012 Group Exhibition „ 90 Yeurs of Dadaism in the Tyrol“, Castle Starkenberg, Tarrenz, Museum Imst, Austria 2011 Solo exhibition , Academy of fine Art, Breslau, Polen 2011 Group exhibition „ 29 th Long Night of Museums in Berlin“, Museum of Contemporary, Berlin 2010 Solo exhibition, Gallery Nothburga , Austria 2010 Group exhibition Art Gallery 1, Munich, Germany 2009 Group exhibition hall„ White Box“ , Munich, Germany 2009 Edition of Contemporary Art Bau 6, ( together with Geoffrey Hendricks 2008“ Current locations“ Pullenale- Vienna, Vienna – Munich, , exhibition hall, Vienna, Austria 2008 Exhibition „ Dachgallery“ Domagk, Munich, Germany 2008 Solo exhibition in the Drächselhausgallery, Munich2007 Collection Adriano Parise, Verona, It. 2007 Solo exhibiton Gallery BK, Innsbruck, Austria