Cynthia Loewen

Cynthia Loewen

About The Artist

I am a native of Eastern Long Island enjoying the remarkable light given here by the ocean and the bays. My love of the water has lead to a career that includes paintings of the sea. Being an experienced exhibitor,my work has been in many galleries,halls and museums here in East Hampton as well as Fort Lauderdale Fla. Greenport,N.Y., Carlisle Penn. and Garden City N.Y. I have won several awards over the years and still continue to do so as recently through an Artivita Honotable Mention Award. I am a realist and work in Acrylics,watercolor, pen and ink. I also Design and make jewelry and glass topped tables. My desire to never be bored,takes me to different levels of artistic expresion that, Inhope, will continue growing.