Claudio Boczon

Claudio Boczon

About The Artist

Has its work directed to a game between the overlay and transparency, the curiosity to find the hidden beauty in objects and bring it to the surface with a baroque vision of the contemporary. His research and work are strongly influenced by Tachism and Povera Art. Began his artistic research in the Atelier of Painting of the Museum Alfredo Andersen, under the direction of Ronald Yves Simon, also attended workshops in painting, printmaking and photography Leda Catunda, Dulce Osinski, Eliane Prolik, Dudi Maia Rosa, Geraldo Leao, Patricia Canetti and Lya Uba . Participates, since 1999, of Salons of Art and Exhibitions Collectives and Individuals, being awarded five times. Contact: 55 41 991896669 website: