by Francesca Busca

Artwork Description

"Oh, I so wanted to be in there"

0.0 x 0.0

2016: bark, stones, pebbles, marble, smalti, millefiori (murrina), shells, ceramic, metal, wood, bone, acorns, sponge, XVI century pipes (from the river Thames), cork, chestnut shell, crab, glass, peach stone, slate, plastic and cement on wooden board, direct method (partly on mesh) (56 x 39.5 cm). 98% recycled material. What's left of a TV, an apocalyptic scenery behind it: we so cared about trivial things (such as being on TV) that we forgot to save ourselves from extinction. And yes, even more so now, we so wanted to BE in thereā€¦!

Artwork Details

