Campbell Robinson

Campbell Robinson

About The Artist

Photography has always been one of Campbell’s favourite creative outlets. Ever since picking up a camera in high school, he’s felt a natural connection with the medium and has enjoyed creating impactful images regardless the subject. As Campbell’s photographic skills and knowledge grew, so did his curiosity. Wanting to see what was creatively possible, he started asking himself, and his camera, more and more questions and quickly discovered the answer, ‘anything’s possible’. This rapidly became one of his central creative beliefs and one he still strongly believes in. Photography became more of a hobby after his creative path took a different direction. The motivation of being a photographic artist rekindled after Campbell saw the results of some new creative questions. He now feels he’s found the unique visual language he was originally missing. Having his work exhibited and professionally recognised is adding fuel to Campbell’s dream and his goal now is to create a body of work strong enough to stage a solo show. Until then, he keeps shooting trusting his questions will continue to produce even more beautiful answers.