About The Artist

http://ziva100745.wix.com/zivacaspi Born in 1945, Roumania. Emigrated to Israel in 1951. B.A. Degree in English and French Literature. Living and painting in Quadima - Israel - for the last 24 years. The oil and acrylic colors, the paper and the canvas, the crayons and the charcoal, have been for me the means for the personal plastic expression of the image – an inspiration and starting point for the artistic work. The image puts on a certain style and form, then transforms and retransforms, thus creating a new visionary world. Watching the image is a kind of experience resulting, sometimes in a very expressive colorful way, in the painting. The painting process is a kind of infinite quest; it never ends – it's just a beginning of new one. As a direct continuation of that long time experience the acrylic paintings done over 2015/2016 are more of a minimalistic character, very calculated, accurate, illustrating angles, lines, buildings – interiors and exteriors, urban aspects, people we meet on our daily route, plain and common objects like laundry etc. All these get a new life and character of their own in the new paintings.