by Natalia Marinych

Artwork Description

Black and White World

0.0 x 0.0

An infant knows only the simplest feelings: hunger, fear, pain, pleasure. And if the reason why an infant feels good is pretty clear for his mother; it stays a challenge to understand a reason of his crying. One thing is certain, inner condition of the newborn is entirely connected with his physical condition. And so it is the whole first month of his life. A newborn doesn’t realize yet why he feels good or that his «good» is connected with his mother, he just feels pleasure when he drinks breast milk, lies in her arms, hears her voice and her heartbeat. Sometimes on his face appears a tiny smile, especially after eating or while sleeping. However, this slight facial grimace is not more than involuntary facial muscle contraction like other chaotic movements which make newborns. Since birth an infant has one of the main human needs – the need of communication. For an infant communication is a physical contact with people, primarily with a mother. This is one of the simplest but the most important form of interaction of a little human with other people. Love your kids and give them warmth. It is meaningful to them. The Artwork «Black and White World» by Natalia Marinych (80x70 cm, oil on canvas, 2017)

Artwork Details

