About The Artist

Born in Athens now based in Brussels, I am a mixed media artist. My approach takes a variety of routes using different kinds of paper, acrylics, inks, fabrics, found images, coloured pencils and crayons, stencils, glitter and many others. I have always strived to go beyond verbal communication and empower my feelings and artistic expression. After a life time of artistic endeavours, I have discovered my niche though a completely personal technique in collages, each with a narrative open to interpretation by diverse viewers. Triggering an emotional state of no specific memories, the artworks are framed within a past era and manifest as an attempt to recreate it. My inspiration comes from a desire to highlight beauty by combining finesse, elegance and grace of an artefact created by mixed media. The 'Belle Époque' and 'Art Deco' period have been the main periods of inspiration for me.