
Ralph White Ralph White

MARCH 30, 2018

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla ~ “Without discipline in spiritual pursuits, the central nervous system doesn’t have a chance to adjust and grow with the increased demand. It would be like putting a high voltage into a small bulb – it is bound to explode.” – Sivananda Radha Saraswati ~ Art is impulsive without apology. It either electrifies or repels. It can influence or evoke resistance. Art is power-driven. This painting is a captivating study of electricity. A voltage that releases us from the notion of confinement. This piece infuses energy and expresses liberty. What is something that electrifies you or gets you charged up? Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

FEBRUARY 21, 2018

“But life is long. And it is the long run that balances the short flare of interest and passion.” – Sylvia Plath ~ “Every life can be learned from, as either a flame of hope or a cautionary flare.” – Richard Paul Evans ~ Flash point is the moment at which someone or something bursts into action or being, such as an outbreak or flare-up. This painting is the center of a volcano. The blasts of colors are flares of passion and the emergence of hope as it erupts from your soul. May you begin to explore the depths of your passions and watch them burst into action this new year. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

DECEMBER 21, 2017

“They can put me in a jungle. Still, I can create.” – M. F. Husain ~ The jungle is a dense labyrinth of overgrown trees and unruly wildlife. It is synonymous with entanglement and puzzling riddles. This painting illustrates a chaparral or thick brush as it consumes its surroundings. When life bogs you down and you feel as if you were lost in a jungle of fragmented thoughts and feelings, finding your way out can be overwhelming. In those moments you can choose to let it take over or you can create a new atmosphere around you. Reach for enlightenment this holiday season and give yourself room to breathe. Explore all possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

NOVEMBER 03, 2017

“I think art is not an ornament or refinement at the fringes of human intelligence, I think it’s at the center. It’s at the core.” – Robert Pinsky ~ Some say that art is elective or voluntary. So how do you explain that your soul craves the expression of beauty in everything you see? How do you describe the feeling of color or your gravitation to undefined concepts in need of discovery? Art is exploration and a continuous effort to create and inspire others. It breaks through boundaries and defies logic and intuition. It is the center of your character. This painting named 'Core' is the essence of discovery. It is at the core of your being that you find limitless beauty and the desire to create. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

OCTOBER 03, 2017

"You're transforming old patterns of your mind, and letting go of thoughts you don't need to have around any longer. " - Unknown ~ Ascension or ascending is the act of rising to a higher level. This is one of the more haunting works from my "Flow" series. This illustration uses color to depict the changes that occur when the soul transforms through intentional enlightenment. The inner being is lifted up to experience greater possibility. Set against a black canvas, this work becomes bolder and more thought provoking. Explore the possibilities...


Ralph White Ralph White

SEPTEMBER 22, 2017

“From a little spark may burst a flame.” – Dante Alighieri ~ “A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.” – Carl Jung ~ An inferno is any place or state resembling hell. This painting is called Inferno as it exhibits a fire raging out of control. This haunting pageant of purgatory represents your soul in transition. There’s a constant war within us battling for peace and justice. This painting is an expression of endurance. The fire that flares up in your soul is passion. Passion is the drive to make things happen. How great is the inferno of your soul? Explore the possibilities…

Rogue Wave

Ralph White Ralph White

AUGUST 26, 2017

“Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~ Changes are like waves rolling back and forth. They can bring great opportunities or painful growth. As humans, we tend to resist change as it causes an upheaval of comfort. Embracing change is always a gamble. This painting is called Rogue Wave as it represents a shift in tides. It reminds us that while we may not be able to control what happens around us, we can roll with the waves of change and embrace the growth that comes along. Explore the possibilities…

Flaming Sunset

Ralph White Ralph White

AUGUST 23, 2017

“The sunset caught me, turned the brush to copper, set the clouds to one great roof of flame above the earth.” – Elizabeth Coatsworth ~ “The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the color that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.” – Ram Charan ~ This painting Flaming Sunset is Mother Nature’s masterpiece. The sky is her canvas with the haze and clouds being the brush strokes of color. The sun and moon are lamps for igniting the flames of color and sweeps of shadows. She expresses every force of creation through her beauty. May you continue to look around you in awe for each detail of treasure that Mother Nature brings forth. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

JUNE 25, 2017

“Making a dream come true is like taking control of an airplane high up in the stratosphere and landing it safely on the ground – a measure of forethought, skill and courage is definitely required.” – Silvia Hartmann ~ The stratosphere is a layer of the earth’s atmosphere which extends upward above the surface of earth. This painting is called Stratosphere as it features a flow of cosmic rays symbolizing positive energy. These rays are glowing reminders of the visions in each of us for a deeper meaning of life. When you take in positive energy around you, it is visible from the outer parts of the earth. How are you producing positivity around you? Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

MAY 24, 2017

“The image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.” – Ezra Pound ~ A vortex is a whirling mass such as a whirlpool, flame, or tornado. It draws in everything around it and causes a powerful current of chaos and disarray. This painting is called Vortex and it was inspired by an emotional flux. The spinning motion in this painting leads to the center of enlightenment and self-preservation. Amid the chaos, we must learn to meditate on renewed ideas and positive energy. This effective release is a pivotal moment for progression and the restoration of the soul. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

MAY 02, 2017

“Ideas are like birds. If you don’t keep them, they fly away. If you write them down, they become birds of aviary; anytime you want to hear them tweet, you visit them.” – Unknown ~ A delightful tribute to creatures of the air, Aviary features several images of birds. Some are evident while others require the imagination to coax into view. The colors in the painting are bold and expressive as to highlight the blending of the seen and the unseen as well as the willingness of the soul to take flight. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

MARCH 20, 2017

“Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.” – Henry Ford ~ Optimism is the key to success. When you radiate, or shine with positivity and confidence, it will be revealed in everything you do. This painting is called Shine as it produces light and vivacity. The ripples of yellow and white are surges of energetic precipitation as it cascades from the sunbeams in the sky. Yellow is uplifting and expresses clarity and cheerfulness. May we always remember to douse ourselves with surges of enthusiasm as we continue to create and execute our ideas each day. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

FEBRUARY 22, 2017

“Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.” – Thomas Fuller ~ The absorption of knowledge is the beginning of energetic fusion through the soul. It’s the spark or idea that creates the fervor or zeal in the exploration of a great cause. This painting is called Zeal as it ignites a soul-fire with exhilaration for knowledge. The colors and flow in this painting express that fervency. What cause are you zealous about? May the fire of zeal always light your soul and remain alive. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

JANUARY 28, 2017

“May the festival of light encircle your life with joy and happiness. Success comes at your home.” – Anonymous “Life is a festival only to the wise.” – Anonymous ~ Festivals, jubilees and celebrations take place around the world to commemorate special events and observances or holidays in different cultures. Some festivals are religious while others are seasonal and artful. This painting is called Festival and it’s a celebration of life and the quest for happiness. It’s a parade of dreams with lively spirits of expectation and explosions of color. May we celebrate each day of life as we awake to take another breath with inspiration. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

OCTOBER 24, 2016

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz ~ “I see the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when the day is done.” – Hazelmarie Mattie Elliott ~ I just love autumn quotes. There are so many flowery words and adjectives to describe the atmosphere that ushers in this colorful season. Words like “golden” and “crisp” or “saffron” and “cinnamon”. The metaphors are endless. On the left side of this painting, a glowing apparition named Autumn dressed in crimson appears to be graciously inviting her guests into the fall season. The vivid colors have cast a spell of captivation on her viewers as she welcomes us to the beginning of the year’s end. Explore the possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

AUGUST 17, 2016

“Plunge boldly into the thick of life, and seize it where you will, it is always interesting.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~ For some people, years of research and careful calculation on major life-changing decisions are imperative. Then there are those who let the cards fall where they may, as they plunge into the “thick of life” with no thought or vigilance. This painting is called Plunge as it illustrates a big splashing leap of faith into life. It takes courage to dive into something without seeing the end result. There’s always a chance of failure, but you can’t build life experience if you don’t try new things. Explore the possibilities…

Positive Thoughts

Ralph White Ralph White

JULY 18, 2016

“You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.” – Ralph Marston ~ In the midst of the unrest and contention in this world, it’s easy to feel discouraged or hopeless. Even a glimmer of something good can get overshadowed by the next [anticipated] shattering event. This painting is called Positive Thoughts. It is a picture of optimism as it features a glimmer of joy and releases positivity. It shines with bright colors and exudes cheerfulness. It proposes a willingness in each of us to see past the darkness by creating an awareness to the positive things that are happening despite the negativity in the world. Explore the possibilities…

Escaping Spirits

Ralph White Ralph White

JUNE 29, 2016

“The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~ Most of us had a vision or idea of what we thought our lives would look like. Maybe you had it all mapped out on paper, drawn up as a timeline. Or perhaps you were one of those who decided to wing it, letting the cards fall where they may. Having a vision and seeing it come to life is priceless. This painting is called Escaping Spirits as it reveals the freedom of spirits or concepts as they are released from our minds for the world to appreciate. How are you releasing your vision? Explore the possibilities…

Ralph White's Neon Tide

Ralph White Ralph White

JUNE 01, 2016

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe. ~ The tide continually retreats into the sea only to be swallowed up and fiercely tossed around, but it keeps coming back. It is relentless as it pushes forward onto the shore. There are no guarantees that the tide will actually make it past the shoreline. But every once in a while it will gain momentum, producing waves of indescribable force, and it will show up unannounced, without apologies. This painting is called Neon Tide for its bold colors as it illuminates the epitome of persistence. We should learn from the tide, continuing to push forward with perseverance until a grand entrance is made onto the shore of possibilities.


Ralph White Ralph White

MAY 15, 2016

“Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” – Debby Boone. When we plant a seed, it takes good soil, water, and sunlight to help it grow into its fullness of character. We should likewise cultivate our sources or seeds of faith and purpose to produce a growing kindness for one another in an attempt to transform the world. This painting Seed is a tribute to the possible. It’s an artistic expression of the classic story or parable of the mustard seed. All it takes is one small idea to transform the lives of many. Explore all possibilities…


Ralph White Ralph White

MARCH 18, 2016

“Territory is but the body of a nation. The people who inhabit its hills and valleys are its soul, its spirit, its life.” – James A. Garfield ~ There are times in your life when you need to set boundaries to protect your territory—your soul. The soul is a vessel that contains your innermost thoughts, dreams and beliefs. When you let down your guard, you expose your soul to the elements of the world. To be vulnerable can be both beautiful and frightening. This painting Territory is an illustration of layers leading to an undiscovered realm in our souls. The colored coats of paint are fragmented, as they peel away from the surface to unveil a cache of possibilities. Explore these possibilities…