by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Bridal Bouquet

0.0 x 0.0

30" high x 24" wide oil on canvas "Bridal Bouquet" - The guests left, the house was quiet and Georgia was left alone. The bouquet was just one of the remnants of the occasion. The others lay strewn around the dining room. When she told everyone that Jack had "bowed out" of the wedding, her family and friends fell quiet. Then, Georgia came up with a brilliant conclusion, "Let's party! Screw Jack!" They all whooped and fell on the food and drink. The band played and everyone ate and danced themselves silly. Now they were gone and the reality of the occasion set in. She was exhausted, mentally and physically. She fell on the sofa and immediately went into a deep, drunken sleep. That was her wedding that never was.

Artwork Details

