by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

18" high x 20" wide oil on canvas "Cosmos" - The earth is but a small speck within a galaxy of planets. Outside our galaxy there are millions of galaxies with their own planets. It's hard to visualize and understand this concept, but it does exist. Scientists have visual proof, robots have been sent to Mars, men have been sent to the moon, and it's just a matter of time until we will go outside our Milky Way to discover what lies beyond. The opportunities are endless. The ideas abound. Within time we will find life on other planets. Just as we came to be that is how life exists outside our solar system. Exciting to contemplate. I think a green galaxy would be cool. Possibly somewhere out in space far beyond our own galaxy a green one exists, then my painting "Cosmos" would be pertinent. Right now it is a piece of fiction in my imagination. I'll let you know when and if it is discovered with paintings of the actual galaxy.

Artwork Details

