Carolina Nieto

Carolina Nieto

About The Artist

Carolina Nieto borned in Chile 1971, she studied fine arts in the University of Chile and she has been making a life proyect call " The Circle of fire of the Pacific", with this proyect she visited Easter Island, Austalia and New Zealand looking for the ancient rock art and studing the aboriginal cultures she realizes that there is a natural connection of the soul and Nature that we can explore as contemporary beeings so her work shows what she have found in her internal experience, in her "daydreaming time", as the australian aboriginal called. In her study is coming the visit to Japan and hawaii to complete the circle of fiere. She has exhibited in Santiago, Chile in gallerys and in the National Museum of Arts and internationaly in Melbourne, Austaralia and Wellington, New Zealand. Actually she lives and work in Gracias a la vida lodge in the south of Chile.