Cristina Rusu

Cristina Rusu

About The Artist

I’m an artist, designer and soul searcher. No matter the medium, my art has always been a manifestation of my personal journey. My art is meant to evoke feelings and emotions. Art is not necessarily positive: it can be deliberately hurtful or displeasing: it can make you think about or consider things that you would rather not. But if it evokes an emotion in you, then it is art. For many years painting was just a way to disconnect... The decision, to paint, did not come in a structured or carefully thought step in my life. It appeared spontaneously and I cannot even define its timing with precision. This transformation was not driven by my educational background either. With years of graduate studies ranging from a degree in Informatics to Political Science, and after extended years of professional experience in different fields of occupation, I have gradually discovered my true calling and realized that painting is what I really want and love to do. After that, I enrolled in different classes at The Art Student League of New York, Color Theory at Parsons School of Design and MOMA courses in New York. I am following courses that suit my interest… In my case, I guess, it was reflective of a natural flow of events and my lived experiences.