Anca Francesca Stefanescu

Anca Francesca Stefanescu

About The Artist

I was always in searching for something... was it identity?... And it is not only my quest. The need for belonging? We belong to a country, a culture, a family, a child… a man or a woman? We belong to a God…? To somewhat or someone. Races, religions, countries and their boundaries. I don’t believe in boundaries, they are only in our minds. I believe in people. In what connects us and puts us apart from each other. In what we learn from each encounter, from each illusive separation… But always in searching for meeting the higher self, to be yourself... and yet to discover and recognize you are one with all the others. I’ve drawn and painted my whole life, it’s what kept me into alignment, dreaming or feeling… more into the now. I felt connected my entire life to the nature but also to the invisible world of our souls, that world where is no separation between life and us. I believe love never ends because I believe in oneness. I feel a part of me breathing in every plant, animal or sound. I sense the subtle energy of the water as if it is mine. I paint what I meet, what I feel, see, embrace and what I love. I want to inspire people to see the beauty in every detail, to discover the secret message in every tinny flower, tree, animal or bird. Every detail of the nature matters like every step we made. I dream to bring colour into people lives. Every colour has its magnificent energy that helps us to stay connected to our Divine Source. It helps us to love and appreciate ourselves and all that surround us... and to remain connected to everything in our world through love... For more information please visit