Julia Hacker

Julia Hacker

About The Artist

Biography I was born and raised in Minsk, Belorussia . After high school I went to study in the small town of Vitebsk. Being 17 years old and alone in non familiar city forced me to take a closer look to a typical grey town of Soviet Russian era. When I found out that Mark Chagall was born and work there, I realized that the surroundings did not create the artist. An artist has to recreate the world around by seeing the beauty and uniqueness that may otherwise be hidden in the mediocrity around. After receiving Masters in Fashion Design I worked as a leading Fashion Designer at the renowned Fashion Centre in Minsk for almost a decade. While at the Centre, I also was running a monthly spread in local fashion magazine and created stage costumes for music performers and singers. In 1990, following the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, I left to Canada where currently reside with my family. Today I am a a Toronto based multidisciplinary artist working in a variety of contemporary  mixed mediums and acrylic paint, Elected Member of Society of Canadian Artists and Active Member of Federation of Canadian Artists.