Sonia M. Suter

Sonia M. Suter

About The Artist

Sonia Suter is a professor of law at The George Washington University where she teaches and writes about the intersection of law, science, and ethics. She became passionate about photography when she started photographing her young children to document their lives. While she loves landscape photography, her favorite subject has always been people. Having danced seriously throughout high school, college, and graduate school, she is interested in finding the gestures of shape and movement in her photographic subjects, whether people or landscapes. Her recent focus on conceptual photography allows her to combine her passion for portrait and landscape work with the storytelling she enjoyed as a dancer. She loves the challenge of using photography not simply to record what is, but as a narrative process that involves many of the elements of dance performance – sets, costumes, and performers. Her work focuses on the interaction of subject and environment to explore ideas, create a mood, or convey a concept. Her work has been shown in several juried photography exhibitions and in such locations as the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Circle Gallery, Del Ray Artisans Gallery, The Annapolis Maritime Museum, and Photoworks Gallery.