Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

This is one of a series of paintings that i categorize as METAPHYSICAL. These paintings are deeply intimate and full of the folly on which everyone's rationality floats. This one is an example of how paintings seem to have their own life. I started working on this canvas 4/5 years ago. It was supposed to be a simple, unassuming, exercise of geometric figures intersecting between them and day by day, brush stroke after brush stroke, i realized that the painting was dictating what was to come next. Nonetheless, after months of occasional work, I stopped working on it without considering it to be finished; I didn’ t manage to “feel” it. For years it hung on the wall, but never satisfied me, to the point that I was about to paint something else on it. A year ago my wonderful, sunny daughter was born and in August this year, I felt it was time to conclude the work. UTERUS amazes. It amazes me because I know every single brush stroke hidden beneath the final result, with 5zeros, 4 zeros, 3 zeros etc. brushes (there are thousands and thousands of them). I know every single secret, every single shadow of this multi-dimensional world, in which bi-dimensional planes intersect into each other. It amazes me because it is not what I ever imagined to do, it is not what I wanted to do. It really “took the shape” it wanted to. It amazes me because the more I look at it, the more references to so many different themes, I find. I hope it will amaze you too.

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