Naked Love by Jurita Art

Jurita Art

In this work, I thought about what love would look like today. Enamored Chagall soars above reality, hovering in the air above the girl, greedily peering into her almost naked chest. The girl turns on demonstrative swagger. She opens her jacket invitingly, as if teasing and luring the hero in love. The most significant element in the work is the figure of a man, unnaturally curved, stretching towards the chest of his beloved. The whimsical manner of writing, some kind of ridiculous and at the same time unusually harmonious style, makes you look closely at the details of the picture and find something noticeable every second - dotted with blackouts, iridescent textured transparent short top of the girl, exposing the lower part of the chest. bright red background, modest flowers in which the name of the author is hidden. The picture was painted in 2021, during that un-happy period when the pandemic worsened around the world. Without a doubt, in this work I have depicted how modern happiness makes you get off the ground. MY DONATION IS FOR ANIMALS RESCUE On the back side you can see stamp of International Animals Awards BadBoyLove. This is mean what the 10% from cost of this painting will be donate to the animals. Copyright: The copyright for the video as a drawing process and the painting itself belongs to Jurita Art ( Link to my YouTube channel Contact artist: e-mail: FB: Jurita.Art LinkedIn: JuritaArt Twitter: JuritaArt London, Great Britain 2022