Travis Burgess

Travis Burgess

About The Artist

My years as a professional photographer have been varied and often exciting, ranging from newspaper photojournalism to weddings, and many things in between. The subjects most interesting to me are my fellow humans. They are a never-ending source of interest. I am originally from San Angelo, Texas, graduating from Lake View High School in 1965, then attending Angelo State College. The San Angelo Standard-Times, the local daily newspaper was my beginning in the profession. I have been working in the Houston, Texas area since 1968. The last twenty-eight years were with the famous Kaye Marvins Photography Studio as a photographer, lab technician, and most recently digital artist with Adobe PhotoShop and related software. Sadly, that studio has gone out of business. My most recent work has been mostly for my own pleasure since transitioning to digital photography and moving past the expense of film-based work. Nature provides many subjects for Fine Art photography. At this time I am working on digital files I have made as well as scanning old film and transparencies.