About The Artist

PSINKA PAINTS BEYOND TWO DIMENSIONS & BEYOND MIXED MEDIA PSINKA NOW PAINTS BRUSHLESS ABSTRACTS ON ALUMINUM. Some people say Psinka paints with reckless abandon because of his high energy, use of raw colors and brushless application. He very often has a vague idea of a subject and lets the medium he is using do its natural “thing” as he intuitively Art Directs the piece of art.Drip, drop, splash, flick, toss, squeeze, squirt, slash, dribble, smear, spray, throw, blow, rub, swipe, wipe, spin, tilt, and run applications of ink and paint characterizes his brushless style. Currently he is successfully experimenting with water media and inks on yupo“ paper” and brilliant alcohol inks on aluminum creating a dazzling colorful experience for the viewer. Also by manipulating the metal surface through carving, gouging, and pounding, the art takes on a 3-dimensional quality with light reflections, refracted light and colorful facets. His art appears to change as the viewer sees his paintings from a different angle by tilting or turning their head slightly or simply walking by, will draw them into the painting. Tom retired his Art Direction and Graphic Design award-winning career and picked up the paints again and began fine art painting which he loved since a child and through his art school and college days. He has had eight paintings accepted in The S.D. Del Mar Fair Fine Art Show awarded one Donor's Ribbon and one Honorable Mention. He has won numerous first place ribbons and awards including “Best of Show and was awarded a dedicated Featured Artists Wall the month of February to display his art at the COAL Art Gallery (now called North Coastal Art Gallery) for which he also designed their new logo and sign and has many paintings in private collections. Innovative painting skills and techniques, using unusual materials and applications with gusto has been the trademark of Tom’s art.