Cor Heijnen

Cor Heijnen

About The Artist

My name is Cor Heijnen and I am born on 12 october 1964. While drawing and painting of models at artacademy I got acaquainted with the photography, about 10 years ago. I started with a course of printing photo’s and a course of portrait-/modelphotography at the local photographyclub. Beside that I followed a course Photoshop for 2 years. After a short while my work draw the attention at the photoclub and I decided I wanted to develop my photography more. So I followed the topcourse “portfolio” at the Centre of Arts in Eindhoven. It ended two times with an exhibition. After that I decided to have my work examined and took my work to a photoacademy. They allowed me to start at the 3rd year. I graduaded in 2001. My works got the highest juryscore that year: 9.7. A jury with experts from the world of arts and photography. My work is known for its own style and it exists of free works and themephotography. Beside the photography I am very interested in designing and therefor I am active in interactive multimediadesign.