Catherine Pickop

Catherine Pickop

About The Artist

Repetition, stillness and rhythm are essential elements in Catherine Pickop’s work. She is particularly interested in how art can help to express internal emotions and rationalize inner thoughts. She began using coffee residue as a personal material in her art making exploring feelings consciously and subconciously as a method of self discovery Her works become a visual reflection of her mind, the process of her art-making describes how she sees the world, reconstructed on paper in minimal abstract form. After exploring different media through her early stage, she is now more focused on drawings with natural mineral pigment and coffee residue. She created her own method and gesture of rubbing natural mineral pigment on paper which is direct and intimate way of painting. Each painting evolves from combination of carefully planned structure and the direct sensation of application and removal of pigment. The carefully calibrated neutral tones create complex spacial compositions which invite the audience to appreciate movement and subtle variations of colour.