by Gary Aagaard

Artwork Description

Half-Cocked & Loaded

0.0 x 0.0

Half-Cocked & Loaded (20”h x 10”w x 1.5"d) - Originally, this painting was conceived to explore Trump’s cozy relationship with the NRA & resulting gun-related deaths from 2017 thru 2019 (excluding suicides). However, it soon expanded to also highlight some of his numerous visual & speaking gaffes (it’s pronounced “origins” not “oranges”, you twit), his bogus bone spur-related draft deferment, his call to rake the forests to prevent wildfires & Trump’s failure to see & react to the dangers of Covid 19, including his irrational disdain for protective face masks. Fortunately, Trump recently had an epiphany regarding the latter….. “I had a mask on. I sort of liked the way I looked. OK. I thought it was OK. It was a dark black mask, and I thought it looked OK. It looked like the Lone Ranger.” Now that’s progress.

Artwork Details

