About The Artist

Kieun is a creative artist and performer. Featured in the New York Times, Kieun's work has been highly acclaimed as being truly unique and innovative, one of the very few artists today with a tremendous passion and gift for fusing artistic expression with technology. Her work displays interactive art, installation, physical computing, soft circuits, and wearable technology. This creativity also demonstrates self-portraits, emotional expressions, and the human connection. She aims to focus on interactive healing effects between people on a variety of projects. Kieun believes her art is expressed in everything she touches. As her portfolio illustrates, her passion for art is interdisciplinary and expressed across diverse media. She experimented and presented in various forms of multimedia installation. Her representative project, Revealuxion was invited to exhibit at Artrooms Fair Roma 2019, Roma, Italy, School 33 Art Center 2018, MD, USA., Space in Art New York Gallery 2016, NY, USA., Governors Island Art Fair 2016, NY, USA., and World Maker Faire 2016, NY, USA.. Kieun received Master of Fine Arts degree in Design and Technology at Parsons School of Design in 2015. She is currently working as a New York/Baltimore based new media artist and a visual designer.