Carole Gordon

Carole Gordon

About The Artist

My love for art started at a very early age, from the time a could hold a coloring crayon, drawing and coloring became my favorite activity. My mother took up oil painting as a hobby when I was about 10, I would spend hours watching her and asking questions. then she offered the paints and brushes over to me. I loved painting, but did not have the patience for oils. In high school, one of my art teachers worked with watercolors, so I began watching her paint and began experimenting on my own. In college, I had the usual art courses, but watercolor paintiing was not available to me. I painted wtih acyrlic paints for a while, but I liked the challenge of the watercolors, so that is what I always came back too. I have been painting now for over 30 years, but only in the last five have I devoted most of my time to painting, and try to make it as a professional artost. I also grew up with a love for horses, so living in Kentucky, it only made since to combine to two passions in my life, art and horses. So far, it has been a good fit for me, I love painting the horses, capturing their spirit and beauty. I also love traveling to art festivals and horse shows and meeting other people like me that love horses and art.