by igor zusev

Artwork Description


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18X24 . This image was inspired by the memory from my 8 year old mind. It’s a representation of a chaotic scene during my immigration from Russia. At the time we were Jewish refugees, seeking a better life. This is how we were treated going from Vienna to Italy. This chaotic scene left its impression in my young mind. The soldiers, represented in this image in green, were very aggressive, shoving people, separating families and children from their mothers. In this scene, starting from the left, we see a soldier standing to the side as a child fell from a fathers grasp from the train window. The soldier stood there motionless, and did nothing to help. Next, we see a couple, also passing their son through the window, and a figure behind them crying. Below the window, we see a nurse detained from assisting a sick or injured child by soldiers. In the next window, we see a father holding up two children, because the top compartment was overfull and they kept falling out. Beneath the window, we see a man praying and crying. In the following window, we see more chaos with people trying to pack their luggage through the windows as the soldiers were blocking the door. Some were trying to drown themselves in alcohol. Finally, the words Leave are there to set the general mood and underlying feeling. They wanted us gone, they wanted it done fast, and they didn’t care who got hurt.

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