Aaron Pierre Pines

Aaron Pierre Pines

About The Artist

Aaron Pines was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1960. Encouraged by his mother, (herself a clothing designer,) to be artistic, she created an atmosphere of creative freedom and exploration. Being self-taught, Aaron studied art and history simultaneously. While learning history he was inspired to render what he discovered. In his early days, he read about the life of the various established artist to get a grasp of their triumphs, and trials. Techniques were learned reading books, on art and experimental fun! His lifestyle has been holistic for the last 30 years, so his love of nature many times reflects in the themes of the work. Acrylics, paper, pencil shavings, sand, watercolor, applied with rags, brushes, or hands are the preferred techniques. He applies layers and texture that mimic abstractly the substance of life. His thoughts are that we are both concrete, and lucid, rock, and river, art helps to explore both polarities. Layers of mixed media mimic the layers of earth, the deepness of water, or the negative space of air. The viewer’s interaction with the works is an important aspect of the process for Aaron. The works serve to convey the coming together and fragmentation of energy-matter, the dual nature of life. His school is life, the greatest teacher. Aaron list artist Romare Bearden, and Cy Twombly as huge influences. At the beginning of his career, the art was mostly figurative, and definitive. The last 7 years the focus has been on discovering his style and building a consistent body of work. Aaron’s goal as an artist is for the viewer to in some way heal from their experience with the works. A personal quest is for the art to assist in reaching the true freedom of mind. He also would like to use 100% non-toxic, recyclable materials in his work. Art can be very therapeutic. He knows that subtle vibrations heal, and art is one of the purest forms of vibration. In 2017, Aaron was honored to be a part of, “African American Icons Exhibit”, which included 21 pen & ink drawings of influential historical personalities, donated to the African American Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey. Aaron lives and works in Wilmington, Delaware still being inspired by his wonderful mother.