Catherine Timotei

Catherine Timotei

About The Artist

Timotei uses color as an approach that concentrate on study of consciousness and the object of direct experience. Her technique with oil medium, her generative capacity of treatment of color and prolonged visual analysis on large scale formats give to the viewer an experience, with its unique story. It does not illustrate; it is the perception of its own realisation. The beauty of her work originates from the vibrant colors that inescapably raise emotion to the viewer. Timotei has a unique gift, a natural talent and attention to detail that enhances her ability to excel in her aesthetic approach to create beauty through art. Her artistic choices are grounded in philosophical interest to express emotion and touch the human soul. To echo Gilles Deleuze book “la Logique de la sensation” where he talks about Phenomenology and the power of color to undo form. “Color holds a prominent place in the series of primordial phenomena. This is why color as element of art may be used and can collaborate to the highest aesthetics purpose.” Goethe. Catherine Timotei is a French contemporary artist, who lives between Corsica France and South Africa. In search of the sublime, she depicts the fundamental of the world’s essential crisis with a leap into Abstract. Her style is highly acclaimed by critics for its large-scale dimensions, vibrant colors, and expressive notes that draw on key aesthetics of the most highly regarded and sought-after masters of art. Her aesthetics choices are grounded in a philosophical interest and desire to express emotion, and touch the human soul. She learned drawing in Santo Domingo in 1986, “Nulla sine Lineas”, “first of all drawing is the basis of all arts, and second, lines form the basis of drawing”; she attended the Lorenzo Di Medici art school in Florence, Italy, where the focus was on the traditional historical sources of the Italian masters; with the Museum of Modern Art in New York, she studied and learnt the techniques of the Abstract Expressionism masters & beyond. In our current age of globalization and modernalisation, Abstract Expressionism, with its permanent and timeless presence, is perhaps one of the most recognized historical genres. Timotei strongly supports the preservation of the environment and the well being of the planet.