Asia Djibirova

Asia Djibirova

About The Artist

Asia Djibirova was born in July 1980 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and is a third child in a family of workers. From a very little girl she likes painting. She started painting on the walls with a chalk she stole from school. Wherever she saw a board, she was painting ballerinas only ballerinas, thinking she wanted to become a ballerina like any little girl. their interest in the fine arts, but the parents did not pay attention to this. When she was 10 years old she went alone and enrolled in a drawing course for children. Her parents knew that Asya was at a school in the classroom, and she attended fine arts lessons just because she liked playing with lots of colors. Then she broke off. When she was 13 years old in music standing on the front row and hanging portraits of great composers on her wall. She also had a portrait of Beethoven. She did not deliberately open her notebook and began painting with her pen portrait of Beethoven. ending behind her she saw a music teacher who said, '' Very good, but that's what you're going to do in drawing classes. '' Then Asya realized that painting was her life. She also painted in physics, mathematics, all the hours at school turned into a drawing lesson. Her parents did not like the idea of ​​Asya painting. She never met them. She repeatedly asked her father to make a tripod because they could not buy it, but she did not even make a tripod for her father. But she got a board from her acquaintances and made her own the first tripod. When she graduated from high school, her parents did not allow her to continue studying because she was a girl, and the girls had to stay home. '' Marry and Do Whatever You Want '' - these were the words of her parents when Asya asked for teachings and fine art. She longed to study fashion design, but without the support of anyone, Asya began working as a waitress, a salesman, and a female worker in an oven where she met her future husband in 2000. Then she began to attend secret fashion design lessons at the Professional Design Studio in Sofia, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. There her professor says that she will be more appropriate for her painting, and Asya begins fine art lessons. When the parents understand the lessons and the boy they know and forbid to visit the school and to see the boy. He is then 27 years old and decides to run to Greece with his relatives. She lives there for 4 years and works as an assistant designer in a fashion house for bridal dresses. Suspended and without even a moment to give up her dream, Asya manages to make exhibitions and develop as an artist supported by her husband Veselin. The only person who supports Asya is her husband. They are now family and have two children. Her paintings are in private collections in the United States, England, Denmark, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey Asya is on world fairs in Switzerland. Her works are colorful because she does not like the shade in both the relationship between people and life. When she stands in front of the canvas then Assy expresses the beauty of the colors and the harmony between them. It is her desire to escape from reality. It is inspired by different situations in life and beautiful landscapes.