Alicent Art

Alicent Art

About The Artist

Since arriving on the art scene in 2013, Italian born, London based Alicent, has gradually successfully integrated within the art community. Inspired by her love for nature and by her own life experience, she works with acrylic on canvas, using mainly the palette knife and drip painting techniques. As a professional self-taught artist, Alicent is constantly seeking more innovative ways to develop new techniques. She expresses her emotions translating them into vibrant and contrasting colours with consistent texture and striking effects. Alicent has steadily progressed with her artistic journey throughout the past few years, after being selected for the Artexpo in Rome and the New Artist Fair in London she was also invited to the NY Art Gallery Grand Opening in New York and the Passaggio in Laguna exhibition in Venice. Just recently, Alicent’s latest creations have been selected for ‘La Geometria nell’Arte’ exhibition in Milan and for ‘L’Esposition D’Art Contemporain’ at Le Carrousel Du Louvre in Paris. The Rome Art Gallery mini solo exhibition was the last event in December 2019. Further updates can also be found on the Instagram FB and Twitter profiles @alicent_art