Bonnie Shapiro

Bonnie Shapiro

About The Artist

As a child, South Florida’s tropical beauty strongly influenced Bonnie Shapiro, cultivating itself in her palette and subject matter as an adult. The Everglades and charming Florida towns that she visited in those young and impressionable years are often predominate in her paintings. Working primarily in oil, Bonnie portrays the simple beauty of the everyday scenes that we so often take for granted. Beginning the study of art at an early age and continuing throughout her life as she traveled from Boston to New York, Bonnie eventually returned to her beloved South Florida, where she continues to study with well-known artists such as Al Razza and Larry Gerber. In addition to her study of fine art, Shapiro obtained degrees in psychology, anthropology and counseling from the University of Florida. Bonnie frequently exhibits in South Florida and her work is included in numerous collections throughout the United States. She currently resides in Coral Springs, Florida. You may view her work online at Artist’s Statement My work is a painted journal of people and places encountered as a child growing up in Florida. These early impressions are superimposed on the current landscape. Paintings are built up slowly through layers and glazes, much like the memories that echo through our lives.